The International Criminal Court was established in 2002 after it entered into the 1998 Rome Convention, which established a charter
Court, into effect. This court was established on the ruins of the Nuremberg Court, which was established at the end of
World War II to prosecute the perpetrators of the crime of genocide, especially the Nazis. It was not possible
At the time, transforming that court into a permanent court and expanding its powers due to the ideological division between
The socialist and capitalist camps. After the fall of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact in 1990,
The international community created the International Criminal Court, whose mission initially included the crime of genocide
crime against humanity and war crimes. Then added to it later, the crime of aggression.
The court was established after four and a half years of negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations. participated in that
Negotiations are all members of the United Nations, including Lebanon. Lebanon was represented at the time by Ambassador Dr. Hisham
Hamdan, who was deputy chief of mission in New York. friendship. Hamdan is a state doctor in international law
He was a member of the United Nations Commission on the Progressive Development of International Law, and was a member of the Sixth Committee
The General Assembly concerned with international legal issues.
This court is permanent and is based in The Hague. It is completely independent of the United Nations and the Security Council. and practice
Its duties are in accordance with the provisions of the charter. It automatically investigates any situation in its member states, the plaintiff finds
General of the Court they apply to its functions. The Court does not have automatic powers over non-member states, except for
That the Security Council may always refer to it any case which it deems fit with the functions of the Court, as it did when
He referred the authority in Sudan to the court for committing crimes that amount to genocide in Darfur. Likewise for the plaintiff
The General of the Court may request the Court to consider a crime committed in a non-member state, if he receives a review of this
Concerning the victims of a crime considered by the court, and he is satisfied that it is in accordance with the provisions of the Sharia. as such
Any state that is a member of the court may request the court to prosecute any crime it considers compatible with its law.
Lebanon did not sign the agreement and did not join it later. Therefore, Lebanon is not a member of this court. It must therefore
The Security Council refers the port bombing case to the court, or the families of the victims submit a review before the prosecutor
During which they prove that the bombing of the port is compatible with Article 7 (k) of its charter. This is done directly through a meeting
The Public Prosecutor and submit the complaint documents to him, or through one of the member states of the Court that can
Convinced of the duty to assist them for this purpose.