Who We Are
We are a group of Lebanese residents and expatriates who took it upon ourselves to put our hands together, to cooperate with friends of peace everywhere, and to benefit from the United Nations program of building peace post conflict, which was approved by the international community at the request of the summit of the Council Security of 1992, as a condition of maintaining international peace and security. We aim at undertaking awareness programs to help Lebanese catch up with the developments realized at the international level and speed up the integration of the Lebanese into the existing international civilization process.
The international community underwent since 1990, i.e. after the end of the cold war era, rapid developments and adopted many principles and goals aimed at serving development and progress, especially in light of the ongoing globalization. The Lebanese people were unable to follow it due to the events taking place on their lands from 1975 to date. Lebanon, which was the jewel of democracy and economy in the Middle East, and the meeting place of civilizations and cultures, has been taken since 1969 as a hostage to serve various Arab and international interests in the Middle East, and in 1975 it was transformed into a bloody battlefield to settle the conflicts of these countries, so it burned, tens of thousands of its inhabitants were killed. Tens of thousands of families were displaced, their homes destroyed, and turned into prisoners of war used as fuel in the hell of fire and gunpowder.
The people of Lebanon today close this black page of their history and want to recover. We want Lebanon to rise. We are confident that, with the help of the international community, he will return like a phoenix, serving peace, love and prosperity in the world. We will work to draw together our role as a neutral country, serving humanity as a center for the dialogue of civilizations between peoples, and as a bridge for cultural dialogue between the Christian West and the Muslim East. We will work together to tell the world: Yes, we can live together, we can prosper and grow together, and our people can live in peace and enjoy all that human progress has produced in terms of the means for the well-being and advancement of peoples. Our human being is enchanted by the will to rise, grow and progress.