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Why Did Lebanon Slip Into The Arena Of Wars?

Despite everything said in the above introduction, Lebanon has become an arena for wars in the region from 1968 to date. The Lebanese became victims of the Palestinian mini-war against Israel, which led to internal conflict among its residents and culminated in a fight described by some as a civil war. Lebanon became a battlefield for the war between Israel and other Arab countries, mainly Syria, and a paradise for terrorist activities against nationals from other countries. Lebanon became a major country where indirect war during cold war era between the two blocks: The US and The Soviet Union blocks, took place. Those wars resulted in incalculable damages, killing thousands, wounding tens of thousands, displacing more than two-thirds of the people, and destroying hundreds of villages, cities, and official and nonofficial institutions. Hundreds of citizens of all ages and sex disappeared. Factions committed crimes against humanity on daily bases. More than a third of its population immigrated.

Recent wars in the region added to the multiple suffering of its people, as almost two million displaced people and refugees poured into its land. Corruptions and bad governance turned Lebanon into a failing state. The government dominated by warlords declared its inability to pay its debts. Poverty prevailed, and the once-wealthy Lebanese were condemned to live without hopes.

How could These Wars Happen? Why would Lebanese who proved high skills in every country they inhibited allow them on their own country?

This is a question that our Organization would like to put forward for discussion among experts.

However, The Lebanese people, who have been resilient living all the misfortunes that have befallen Lebanon, have not given up and insist on returning to the fold of civilized society. Lebanese launched a massive revolution on October 17, 2019. Unfortunately, the international community failed them. Lebanon needs the world community to support the people’s inspiration to bring back their sovereignty and pave the way for genuine democratic elections. Tremendous efforts on the part of its people are wasted, and the hopes to restore peace in the country are withering. Lebanese wants to regain their country’s normal relations within the framework of international law, internationally and regionally, and enable Lebanon to build peace and achieve sustainable development.

The Lebanese Organization for Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development (LOPSD) was created to help bring Lebanese inspirations true, and enable the international community to help Lebanon. LOPSD is an Organization that aims to work for peace building in Lebanon.